The Rhythm of Life.

November has arrived in New England and with it some cool, damp days.  Mother nature has showered us with an orange confetti of leaves.  The winds of November have blown soft this year.  Soon this colorful landscape will give way to the monochromatic season of winter.  Like black and white photography, winter has a way of revealing hidden beauty, structure and form. Blessed are we who witness the change of seasons for we take nothing for granted and can easily measure the passage of time.  Water flows in streams over granite boulders and pushes aside snow and ice, bare trees claw the sky and animal tracks make visible their presence in the snow.

Winter strips life down to essentials; natures party clothes are put away.  The warmth will return predictably, when the calendar turns and one season folds seamlessly into another.   For now, the season of rest and reflection is upon us.  What will you do with this time?  Will you hide inside and wait it out, pine away for summer, or sustain your spirit with a few weeks of vacation in a warmer place?  You could use this time as nature intended – a time to reflect, rest and re-energize.

Consider examining your emotional inheritance.  Ask yourself which of your beliefs were handed down to you and then decide if you wish to keep them.  It requires self-inquiry, it is hard, it is worth it.

Louise Hay, the best selling author of, “You Can Heal Your Life” says we are all victims of victims.  We unwittingly enter into a chain of pain passed down through generations and repeat those unconscious patterns until someone is aware enough, strong enough, brave enough to shatter them for good.

Become aware of your “Chain of Pain.”  What did you inherit?  How will you change it? Is it your pain or the pain of your ancestors you feel?

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